Early Grade Reading Barometer

The Early Grade Reading Barometer makes it easy to explore how well students around the world are reading. The Barometer serves as a one-stop-shop for early grade reading data. It offers information and resources for educators, policymakers, and researchers interested in improving early grade reading skills in children.



Focus Area


Providing Insights on Literacy to Enable Data-Driven Decision-making

The Early Grade Reading Barometer is a specialized tool designed to assess and track early grade reading proficiency in young learners across the world. It provides educators, policymakers, and researchers with data-driven insights into children’s reading development, helping to identify gaps and measure progress in literacy skills. The platform offers user-friendly visualizations, interactive reports, and evidence-based resources to support interventions that improve reading outcomes. By focusing on early literacy, the website aims to empower stakeholders to make informed decisions that enhance educational practices and ensure that every child achieves reading success in the critical early years.

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